Meet the Team
Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, I always knew I wanted to design homes. I can remember sitting on the floor as a kid building Lego houses, and I always gravitated toward designing luxurious dream homes over all other topics little kids usually draw. I was gifted my first drafting table when I was 13 and it was off to the races. I had a great Drafting & Design program in
high school and it definitely solidified my ambition to do this for a living.
I worked for a couple of small architects once I finished College
but was lucky enough to get hired when I was 20 with a top
builder in Calgary. I spent 15 years there, 8 of those as the
Drafting & Design Manager. The company built all over Canada
and the USA, so I had the opportunity to work on a lot of
different kinds of projects and visit a lot of cool cities. In 2015
I moved to an award-winning Renovation company, where my
passion for design got a boost into the Renovation world.
After almost 2 years, I left that company to start my own,
Livara Design Inc. named after my 2 daughters, Olivia and Clara,
and have been working hard to grow it with my extremely supportive
wife Laura and my diligent furry project manager Willie.
They say it takes a village, and I'd like to thank my village for helping me pursue a dream I've had since a kid, to bring great design to great clients. Hopefully you can be the next great client!
Zak Rathgeber, Owner & Principle